Monday, October 11, 2010

Visit to the IVF

So my babies are four and a half months old. Growing fast and super healthy!!! Life has been a so busy ad crazy lately but it seems like it might start going into normal soon. I was finally able to make a visit to my wonderful IVF family. It was such a sweet visit, everybody was so excited to meet the babies and once again camera's flashed everywhere. I am so blessed by all the love my babies have.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


So my babies are currently 2 1/2 weeks and I absolutely love it!! We welcomed both of them into this world on friday May 28, 2010. Life has completely changed but all for the better. Alba Naomi weighed 5 lbs 10 oz and Joseph Anthony weighed 4 lbs 8 oz. And thank God they are good and healthy. I am so in love with my babies and with life. Tonight the people from IVF are sending a photographer over to take some family picures of us. How exciting!!! And friday, Christy Meyers from channel 13 will be coming by to meet the babies!! Life is happening so fast it is hard to beleive this journey started a year ago. I cant wait to see what this advance in medical history does and I am so lucky to have gotten a chance to be a part of it.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Boppy Pillow

So I got my boppy body pillow!! I am soooo excited! Maybe I will finally get a good night sleep. I already laid down with it for a while and it feels fantastic but the true test will be tonight when it's time to sleep!

Friday, February 26, 2010

My Journey.

So pretty much all of you that know me, know that I am currently 5 1/2 months pregnant with twins.  But what a lot of you don't know is the journey that I took to get here.  I am going to tell you my story, not for recognition but because I have realized that all the credit should be given to the one who deserves it all...God.  After the birth of my youngest child, Christopher, who is seven years old, I decided that the best thing would be for me to tie my tubes.  A mistake I have been dealing with since.  I never though about my future or how much it would burden me to not be able to have any more children.  Fast forward to two years ago, my husband and I decided we wanted more children.  Now you need to know, my husband and I have no children together.  My children are from a previous marriage and he has no children at all.  We are a normal, average family that has everything they need but not the luxuries to spend money without being careful.  The guilt of not being able to give my husband children was putting a giant strain on our marriage. So we turned to the only hope we knew we had, we turned to God.  Now, I am not under any circumstances looking for pity or anything of the sort.  I know that I made the choices that led me to where we were.  So in every prayer, my request was for it to be God's will.  I asked him to help us accept whatever it was that he decided was best for us.  Then he answered my prayers.  He didn't give me a time frame or a step by step outline that I needed to follow, but he gave my husband and I peace.  In November 2008 I got a job offer to work for the OB Oncology Department in Methodist Hospital, a job I had not even applied for.  I knew right away that this was from God, this job was perfect for me.  It was exactly what I needed, I would be able to be home by the time my kids God home and things were just perfect.  I didn't realize how it was just the beginning of God aligning everything for me.  In May of 2009 we decided that it wouldn't hurt for us to at least find out what it would be that we would need to do to look into doing a tubal ligation reversal.  Upon asking in my own office I discovered that we actually referred patient's to Dr. Hickman's office!  I made an appointment to discuss things and find out where we stood.  My husband and I promised that we were not going to make any irrational decisions, we were simply going to gather information.  Dr. Hickman informed me that it had been a pretty long time since my tubes had been tied and that the guarantee for success was not something we were comfortable with.  We inquired on the in vitro process and quickly realized that not only was it something we could not afford but I was not comfortable with the process of freezing embryos.  Then the unbelievable happened!  Dr. Hickman informed us that we were the perfect candidates for a frozen egg study that was about to begin.  He filled us in on all the details about how this was a study being done primary with cancer patient's in mind.  It would allow cancer patient's that are on their way undergo many heavy and harsh treatments to freeze their eggs, giving them an opportunity to have a baby after they have completed their treatments.  Because of my job I have learned so much that I didn't know before about what cancer treatments do to a  womans body.  I immediately knew that if it was possible for me to help these women in any way I definitely wanted to do it.  My husband and I told him we needed to pray about it.  And we did.  After lots of prayer we decided that we were going to do this.  We decided to try and seek some financing to cover whatever it was that my insurance would not cover and pay it off in time. We let Dr. Hickman know that we were definitely interested and informed him as to what our plans were.  He immediately informed us that if we participated in the study, our expenses during the study would be covered!! Talk about God paving the way!!  We went through the qualification process and were chosen to be the study participants. So the process began!! Medications after medications, pills, injections and lots of blood drawings later I was pregnant with twins!!!  Throughout this process my husband and I spoke out about it to only our family and our pastors.  Even after the success of it all, I felt that there had to be somebody out there that deserved this opportunity more than me.  Somebody who hadn't caused their own infertility and had probably gone through more things to earn it then me.  I mean, I already had three healthy children.  I still felt guilty and because of that I was robbing myself from fully enjoying all the blessings that God had provided me with.  Until today... Today I received a card in the mail from a woman named Meredith Stedham.  Meredith is the first cancer patient in Texas to undergo the frozen egg treatment.  She is currently undergoing chemotherapy and is anxiously awaiting the opportunity to have her eggs re-inserted.  So here is this woman, this brave, courageous woman who is currently undergoing some of the harshest things a body can go through, and she's thanking me.  Me!! This is how God showed me what his purposing in choosing me was....It's my testimony.  I am not going to share the kind, beautiful words this woman said to me but know that they filled my heart with so much happiness.  And I decided that the world should know.  They should know that what God did for me was not something that I should be ashamed of.  He not only gave me the gift of the two beautiful lives growing inside me but he has allowed me to be a part of the many blessings he has in store for women like Meredith.  I give him all of the honor and glory for how he aligned everything for me.  Beginning with placing me in a job that would be the door to helping fulfill my dreams to paving the rest of the way for me.  I proudly post my story, I gladly take the back pains, nausea, insomnia and all the other joys that come with this pregnancy and I turn to the Lord and say thank you.  And to Meredith Stedham, I say, no...thank you.  Thank you, for being a part in God's plan to helping me realize the full potential of this journey.  I admire you and I pray for your wishes to also come true.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Who we belong with.

I believe that when God created each and every one of us he also created that one person that he knew was the person we are to be with. But of course, lots of us tend to try and do things our own way and because of that usually end up with plenty of other people EXCEPT the one God is leading us to. And when things start going wrong we start thinking of things we could change about that person to make things better. And when that doesnt work, we end up in divorce. When the whole time that one person has been right there! Sometimes we are luck and eventually do make our way to finding that right person (like me) but sometimes we never do. I'm not saying that God wants everybdy to go and get divorced so they can find that right person!! That is not what I am saying at all. What I am saying is look for his voice. If we are silent and truely wanting to hear it, we will. And when we lay our own wants down and yield ourselves to him, then we will see that he will tell us exactly what it is that he wants us to do. EXACTLY!! Whether it be showing you how to fix your marriage (if you are married) or telling you what it is that you need to do to get to where you belong. I am also not saying that all relationships are mistakes and therefore your children from previous relationships are mistakes either!! God is always going to make the best come out of every situation we get ourselves into. EVERY situation, even the bad ones. Our children are a blessing from God, even though we are not worthy of anything good, he still continues to bless us. So if you currently find yourself in a bad relationship or alone, give it God, wait on God with an open heart and he will fill it. I'm not saying he will automatically send you somebody, he might not. But I am saying he will not only fill the void but he will overfill it!

Friday, September 11, 2009

When 911 happened

I was driving to work oblivious to what was happening in the world. Then my friend Justin called me like he usually did every morning and told me that a plane crashed into the Trade Center. I remember not even knowing what the Trade Center was. I remembered thinking that it was horrible for that to happen but not quite sure how this was any different from any other plan crash. He started explaining to me the magnitude of the situation and I started to grasp that this was something way different than anything else. I tured on the radio and it was everywhere. Then I got to work and saw the images on TV at a business next door. It was true horror. Somehow we got a TV in the office for us and all day all we saw where images that will forever be engraved in my mind. Nobody was hungry that day, nobody cared whether payments were being made or not (I worked for a finance company). Customers who we were always on edge with were suddenly our friends as we mourned together. I didn't personally know anyone that was in those towers that day. But the pain was the same for all of us. In the days, weeks and months to come people tried to rebuild themselves but the pain was still to real. Eight years have passed since the day that America united on our knees. My heart, love and tears go out not only to every person that was there that day, but also to everybody that remembers. My question for you today is: Where were you when 911 happened? May God bless the families of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice and those who continue to fight for us.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

It could only happen to me!!

So I work in a hospital doing medical transcription. Which I love!! Mostly because I am free to wear whatever I want. Which means I pretty much ALWAYS wear scrubs. They are fantastic! Its like going to work in your pjs. But every once in a while I want to feel pretty so I actually dress up.

Rewind to last week: I do a small load od laundry and forget to set it back to regular. So later on I go and do a big load of laundry not realizing to fix the setting. Ending result: My load is done and there is soap foam over the top of the load. I didnt think it was a big deal and tossed it in the dryer.

Fast forward back to present: I decided I wanted to look pretty today. So I get out some nice slacks and shirt and my boots, even straigtened my hair. Head off to drop off the kids, head to work, take the trolly, walk to the cafeteria for some food, THEN make it to my office restroom. What do I see? A giant soap stain right on my butt!! Horrifying!!! Of course I get the bright idea to try to wipe it off, so now I have a giant wet spot on my butt. When all along I have my perfectly nice and clean lab coat haning in my office that I could of just put on. It totally wasnt my morning....

On the bright side, I get to give blood at 10:30 and we close on our house tomorrow!!!